Thursday, October 29, 2009

"It Could Be Raining Economic Projects' Money In The City Of Mobile And Around The Mobile Bay Metro Area!" Comments And Opinions By Al Cheney

The city of Mobile and the other communities within the Mobile Bay Metro Area (Baldwin County, Mobile County, Alabama) have the opportunity to capture many more economic projects if, as area businesses and residents, we continue to stand together "as one!"

We must all participate in the promotion of our area, whether it's in a small way or a big way. You can contribute with only a smile to a weary traveler visiting our area (they might be moving here or relocating their business) or keeping the trash picked up around your home. Landscaping, mowing the lawn, or volunteering to assist with your educational talents are certainly other ways to place your positive mark upon our metropolitan bay area.

Also, even more small and large businesses should consider banding together, promoting our area through worthwhile local civic, economic and marketing projects. It is through these ongoing positive efforts and promotional projects which will continue to keep us progressive, in contention for even more economic opportunities and, certainly, noticed by outsiders looking in. These outsiders just might want to jump right in with us, so they can also experience the economic flurry of opportunities. Our local assets and opportunities to compete surround each of us every day. So open your eyes widely, see the possibilities and potential, and the next time you look into a mirror, realize that you are looking at one of our greatest assets!

It could be raining economic projects' money in the Mobile Bay Metro Area, so here are some recent newsworthy articles (links below) for your reading. Let these articles stoke your embers of creativity and professionalism, and turn them into your flames of positive ideas and possibilities!
Please send me your comments, opinions and suggestions.
Al Cheney is a native of southern Alabama and a graduate from the College of Business and Management Studies, University of South Alabama. Al Cheney has maintained an active real estate broker's license for thirty-six years and president of his company, Realty Leaders Corporation. Of course, most people know Al Cheney as a Certified Residential Real Property Appraiser and FHA Approved Appraiser with over 30 years experience. Al Cheney also has past experiences and professional involvement with advertising, graphics, photography, marketing and writing.

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